
Varicose Veins

Painful Varicose Veins

Large ropy varicose veins are best treated by phlebectomy or removal of the vein. This is done in the office under local anesthesia. Lidocaine is used and the vein is hooked and snipped. There is no pain and takes about 45 minutes. Medicare and Insurance covers.


Final result two weeks after phlebectomy of the patient in first picture above.


However, not all varicose veins need to be removed. It depends on their size and how tortuous they are. Many we treat with Varithena Foam and some with Clarivein. I prefer not to use laser on large varicose veins because of the risk of staining the skin and pain during the procedure. Therefore I will either remove them or use a sclerosant agent in the office and our results are excellent.